Emerging Preferred Option
March/April 2021
The third public consultation took place from 4th March 2021 to 22nd April 2021, where we asked for your feedback on the 'Emerging Preferred Option'. This was a follow on from the first and second public consultations that were held in 2020.
For more information please use the link below to access our virtual public consultation room.
The information displayed at the third public consultation can be downloaded HERE.
The post-consultation report can be viewed HERE.
Within our virtual public consultation room there is an interactive map where you can view the Emerging Preferred Option in more detail, for ease of access we have added a link below to bring you directly to the interactive mapping. Within the map you can also enter your Eircode or Address in the search icon at the top left-hand corner of the map.
Due to the measures taken in light of the Covid-19 outbreak, it was not possible to arrange a formal event with you in the local area. Despite this, there was good public engagement with lots of submissions received via the online questionnaire as well as those received via email or post. The project team is thankful for all public engagement and feedback received so far.
The Project Team will review and consider all submissions received in response to the Emerging Preferred Option and will then finalise the Stage 3 - Preferred Option process. The Option Selection Report containing the Stage 2 Route Options Appraisal will be finalised upon review and consideration of the public feedback, the Preferred Option will then be confirmed, and the Option Selection Report will be published.
Disclaimer: The Emerging Preferred Option shown at the third public consultation was a work in progress and is subject to further change / refinement as the Option Selection Process advances.