Meath County Council is working in partnership with Fingal County Council and in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland, to develop a scheme along a section of the N2 between Rath Roundabout and Kilmoon Cross. The scheme name is N2 Rath Roundabout to Kilmoon Cross.
This scheme is referenced in a number of policy documents including the National Planning Framework (Ireland 2040), the National Development Plan (2018-2027) and the National Transport Authority’s Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area. The scheme is located immediately north of Ashbourne and forms part of the N2 National Primary route which links Dublin to Derry. The proposed project Study Area traverses County Meath and County Dublin (administrative area of Fingal County Council).in.
The N2 between Rath Roundabout and Kilmoon Cross currently has a substandard alignment and safety is compromised due to a number of at-grade junctions and private accesses along the existing road. This section of the N2 experiences a number of existing traffic problems including major delays and long tailbacks from the signalised junction at Primatestown in the morning and evening peak periods. This scheme intends to improve journey times, journey time reliability and to reduce stop-start traffic on the N2 corridor. The scheme also intends to address the environmental and safety impacts associated with these traffic problems.